Excellent Books
Here I list a few books of great value for those interested in Eastern and other traditions:
1 Swami Prabhavananda ----- The Spiritual Heritage of India ---RK Math/ Vedanta Society of Southern Calif.LA
2 Paul Carus---Gospel of Gautama Buddha--Samta Books
3 Swami Yatiswarananda -----Divine Life ---RKMath
4 Paul Deussen ---Essence of Vedanta
5 Paramahansa Yogananda ---Man's Eternal Quest ,& other two books----Self Realization Fellowship,LA/YSS Ranchi.
6 David Godman{editor}---Be As You Are--The teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi--Penguin books/other pub
7Arthur Osborne---Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-Knowledge---Jaico Pub,Mumbai
8 A L Basham --the Wonder that was India
9 Paul Brunton---Search In Secret India
10 Swami Vivekananda ---Selections from Complete works of Swami Vivekananda SRK Math Chennai
11 Theos Bernard ---- Hindu Philosophy ---Philosophical Library ,N Y {1947] (Jaico Pub,Mumbai)
12 Christopher Isherwood ----Ramakrishna and His disciples---
13. Mahatma Gandhi---Bhagavad Gita
14 Sri Aurobindo---The yoga and its objects---Sri Aurobindo Ashram--Pondicherry
15 Sri Aurobindo--The philosophy of the Upanishads---Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry-605002
16 Brother Lawrence--The Practice of the presence of God --
17 Thomas a Kempis--The Imitation of Jesus Christ
18 Swami Chinmayananada--- Meditation and Life ---Central Chinmaya Mission Trust, Mumbai
19 Swami Nikhilananda---Sri Ramakrishna---SRK Math, Chennai 600004
20 Swami Paramananda----The Bhagavad Gita--SRK Math,Chennai
21 Swami Paramananda ---Four Upanishads---SRK Math,Chennai
22 Swami Sivananda Radha ---Hatha Yoga--the Hidden Language--Jaico Pub,Mumbai
23 Swami Sai Sharan Anand---Shri Sai,the Superman---Sri sai sansthan--Shirdi
24 Romain Rolland--Swami Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel---Sri Ramakrishna Math,Chennai
25 Swami Virajeshwara--Sadhana and Meditation---Hamsa Asramam--Anusone village [near Kelamangalam/Hosur],Tamil Nadu 635113,India
26 Swami Sivananda---The Upanishads---Divine Life Society,Sivananada nagar,Rishikesh
27 Swami Nikhilananda---The Gospel of the Holy Mother---SRK Math,Chennai.
28 Swami Shantananda Puri---Srimad Bhagavatam:its message for the modern man--Jaico Pub,Mumbai
29 Doriel Hall ----Healing with Meditation---Jaico Pub,Mumbai
30 The Gospel of the Holy Mother--Sri Sarada Devi--Sri Ramakrishna Math-Chennai
31 Swami Ramdas--Hints to aspirants--Anandashram--Kanhangad-671531--Kerala
32 Swami Vidyatmananda [Editor] ---What Religion is--in the words of Swami Vivekananda [Phoenix house,London/Advaita Ashrama,Kolkotha]( A condensation from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda]
33 Swami Chetanananda--- "Spiritual Treasures"-Letters of Swami Turiyananda--Advaita Ashrama-Kolkota.
34 Swami Ramatirtha---In Woods of God Realization--Rama Tirtha Publication league,
35 Rabbi David A Cooper--The Art of Meditation--Skylight path Pub,Vermont USA/Jaico Pub,
36 Sant Keshavdas---'Gayatri--the Highest meditation'--Motilal Banarsidas [publishers]-Delhi
37 H H Dalai Lama----"Transforming the Mind"--Harper-Collins,N Y
38 Swami Tejasananda--- A Short Life of Sri Ramakrishna---Advaita Ashrama
39 Arthur Osborne--Incredible [shirdi] Sai Baba ---Orient Longmans ,New Delhi
40 Eknath Easwaran-- The Upanishads-- Penguin Pub,New Delhi ,London
41 Bansi Pandit -- the Hindu Mind--Dharma Pub, Illinois
42 John G Bennett --Long pilgrimage --[Biography of Shivapuri Baba] Dawn Horse pub
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